Noita Wiki

The Sauvan Ydin or Wand Core is an inventory item with a held effect, obtained by killing the Grand Master. While on the ground, the item emits white lines, akin to the ones emitted by wands.

When held, it grants the Tinker With Wands Everywhere effect, and transmutes nearby non-magical liquids into Concentrated Mana.


  • Holding the Sauvan Ydin while in a Holy Mountain allows you to edit wands, even with No Wand Tinkering.
  • This is a very useful item to have if the player wishes to swim across or into the Lava Lake or Volcanic Lake.
  • When combined with a Liquid Trail and Iron Stomach, you can VERY quickly achieve hours of Concentrated Mana effect by eating the large pools you can make.


Demo item wandstone

Transmuting a large body of lava into concentrated mana

90min of CM with IS

Demonstrating of eating tip above
