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Damage Modifier Spells
Mana To Damage
Light Shot
Heavy Shot
Random Damage
Mana To Damage
Damage Plus
Spell modifiers that adjust the damage of the affected projectiles.

A spell modifier that either adds or removes a random amount of damage (in a set interval) to a projectile. Damage will never be reduced to lower than 1.

Damage Probabilities
Damage Probability Probability %
-60 1/24 4.167%
-40 1/24 4.167%
-30 1/24 4.167%
-20 1/12 8.33%
-10 1/24 4.167%
0 5/12 41.67%
10 1/24 4.167%
20 1/12 8.33%
30 1/24 4.167%
40 1/12 8.33%
60 1/24 4.167%
80 1/24 4.167%


  • The average amount provided by this modifier is positive (+5 damage on average), so it's always worth using it on a fast firing wand as any duds will quickly be replaced.
    • Also, if your projectile originally does a very low amount of damage, the average added damage is higher, because very negative outcomes have less effect (Since the end result cannot be negative). For example, if your projectile normally does 10 damage, then this modifier will add +10 damage on average. And if your projectile does 0 damage normally, then this mod will add +12.5 damage on average.