Noita Wiki

Meat is an organic Material that a variety of enemies drop on death. Combining meat with Alchemic precursor will create Draught of Midas; any variant of meat can be used.

Spells like Chainsaw and Digging Bolt and Digging Blast can destroy meat to create more of the corpse's blood emissions.

Cooking meat[]

Meat will now slowly cook when exposed to burning oil, turning from lightly cooked, to cooked, to fully cooked meat. Eating fully cooked meat grants a small amount of the Greased Lightning status effect, granting increased movement speed.

Variants of Meat[]

Name Hardness Drops from... Blood Type Eat Effect
Meat 2 Light Crawler, All(?) Hiisi, Spider, Polymorphed Enemies Blood -
Worm Meat 2 Light Tiny Worm, Worm, Giant Worm Worm Blood
Green Slimy Meat 2 Light Toxic Slime Toxic Sludge
Slimy Meat 2 Light Lepakko Slime Food Poisoning
Slimy Meat (orange) Hell Slime Food Poisoning
Slimy Meat (sand) Food Poisoning, Farts
Weird Meat 2 Light Konna, Jättikonna Blood Tripping
Cursed Meat - Stevari, Skoude, Hahmonvaihtaja Blood Curse - a Thundercloud will follow you around. Continuing to eat this will prolong and worsen the curse, eventually progressing to Acid Cloud.
Stinky Meat - Muodonmuutosmestari - Polymorph Immunity
Ethereal Meat - Siirtäjämestari - Teleportation
Ambiguous Meat - Haavoittajamestari - Confused
Rotten Meat 1 Very Light Meat that the player has traveled away from and later returned to. Blood Food Poisoning, Poisoned
Frog meat Blood Tripping
Unstable meat Polymorph
Slimy cursed meat Food poisoning, Curse
Meat of an innocent creature Blood Worm Attractor
Toxic meat
Lightly-cooked meat Oil
Cooked meat Oil
Fully-cooked meat Oil Faster Movement
Burned meat Oil Food Poisoning
Fruit flesh Refreshing Gourd Slime
Fruit flesh Pumpkin Water
Wobbly meat Sätkymestari Blood Faster Movement

See Also[]
