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Three-Eye's Eye (in-game name Kolmisilmän silmä) is a spider-like robotic miniboss, found deep within the Power Plant, bearing dangerous attacks and unique traits. It is often referred to as "Mecha Kolmi"


This foe resides inside of a circular arena, a bit down and straight left from the height of the Experimental Wand. It has 1250 health, along with immunities to projectile, explosive, melee, and fire damage. Therefore, the only sources of damage that will work are: Slice, Ice, Curse & Electrical.

While not performing attacks, a projectile eating shield will follow the boss, which means that in order to reliably deal damage without getting too close you must wait for an attack.

It has two attacks: a burst of 10 rockets that quickly accelerate towards the player, each dealing total of 2530 damage, and a long, red plasma beam that expands after a few seconds, dealing 150 damage per second.

On death the main body explodes, leaving behind a pile of metallic limbs and a special Spatial Awareness perk.

Combat Tips[]

  • The rockets deal a combined 2530 damage, resulting in death for all but the heartiest Minä. Finding some cover that the explosions won't destroy is a good way to stay safe.
    • If there's nothing to hide behind, you can use teleport bolts, preferably short ones, to dodge the missiles until they expire.
    • Ambrosia can work, with the benefit of allowing you to stay in one spot and possibly damage the boss.
  • Make sure to not accidentally lose the boss. It might leave the arena and wander off deeper into the chasm, or explore the Power Plant.
    • If you do lose track, look for a tunnel-like path. The boss probably left one behind. Remember to keep your guard up, it could unexpectedly attack as soon as you get close.


  • The spinning rockets that Kolmisilmän silmä fires were inspired by a boss in the freeware indie game IJI.


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Monster Boss Robot Launch


Monster boss robot shield


Monster boss robot laser


Monster Boss Robot Launch


Monster boss robot shield


Monster boss robot laser


Monster Boss Robot Launch


Monster boss robot shield


Monster boss robot laser

