Noita Wiki

Homing is a modifier that will impart some constant force on projectiles to make them home in on enemies. Because of this the effect is more noticeable on slower or static projectiles.

Also available as a perk.


  • Almost every offensive spell in the game can benefit from this modifer in one way or another. You'll need to deal with its rather heavy mana drain, however.
  • In addition be very cautious of using this with Summon Disc Projectile. Standing between two enemies and killing one with a homing disc WILL result in the projectiles then flying through you to reach their next target.
  • Try combining with Mist spells (Slime Mist, Toxic Mist, Mist of Spirits) affected by a modifier which increases damage (Damage Plus, Heavy Shot)
  • If you are polymorphed into a creature, by Polymorphine for example, you are counted as an enemy by the game and will cause your fired projectiles to head for you instead of your targets (if you are closer). If you were turned into a sheep with projectiles still in the air, you're as good as dead.
  • On that note, look out for Hahmonvaihtaja in the Temple of the Art.