Circle Of Magic Spells |
Static projectile spells that conjure a small field of magic with varying properties. |
A spell that erects a circular field of volatile transformative magic, turning creatures inside it into something else. Does not affect the player unless using Piercing Shot. Transformed creatures may drop gold.
See Also[]
Preserves the charmed status of creatures from Summon Egg; requires Piercing Shot to be able to apply to them. E.g., to summon an egg "containing" a random charmed creature that turns into a charmed Hurtta after some time:
Here, the Reduce Lifetimes and Orbiting Arcs are used for timing adjustments to roughly match the delay between an egg breaking and the summoned creature hatching, while the Digging Blasts are to prevent unintended spell wrapping. If unwanted dangerous creatures are produced and one is outside of battle, one can simply wait for unwanted creatures to revert to Hurtta. They can also be pared down more quickly without generating blood, corpses, or retaliation, but possibly producing hit-triggered switching and death-triggered explosions and hostile summons, using a wand such as the following:
Replacing the Venomous Curse here with an Electric Charge here allows one to obtain desirable corpses without retaliation, but with a little blood and dangerous death triggers. This may be useful for obtaining gold and Stinky Meat. (Unfortunately, Circle of Transmogrification does not work on any of these already-polymorphed creatures, so automatically filtering down to a small set of creature types including Muodonmuutosmestari, the most notable of which is the set of polymorph-immune creature types, may not be simple.)
Other summoning spells can also be used to feed random creature generators, including those from Projectile Transmutation Field. This enables other approaches to farming drops more convenient than dealing with Summon Eggs. E.g., to use a Spark Bolt with Timer positioned to go off in mid-air, summoning a random hostile creature, eliminating lower-health ones immediately and leaving corpses, and some higher-health ones without leaving corpses, reducing terrain destruction from on-death explosions, but not handling some annoyances such as creatures with shields, on-hit swapping, on-death material and hostile mob generation, and lag accumulation between trips to pick up gold:
Some of these components may be useful in building dedicated gold, Teleportatium, Stinky Meat, or other farming wands.