A unique short-distance spell that shoots a bolt of energy that jumps several steps. If, at a jump destination, the projectile encounters something it cannot damage, like solid terrain, it stops. Will jump towards an enemy if within range. Will not seek a same enemy more than once.
Notes & Tips[]
- Can be shot through walls if they are thin enough as the spell only interacts with the world on its jump destinations and phases through it otherwise.
- The enemy-seeking effect will only activate if a valid target in range of 1 single jump.
- Very effective against shielded enemies, as the damaging portion of the projectile will jump straight through without touching or activating the shield.
- Trigger spells and spells such as Long-Distance Cast work well with this spell, as they help make up for its lack of range.
- Speed modifiers such as appear to change the distance between jumps, rather than the rate at which the jumps occur. For example, Light Shot will increase the distance between jumps, while Heavy Shot will decrease the distance between jumps. Note that excessive speed/range may cause the bolt to pass by enemies completely without connecting.
- Increasing the lifetime will result in additional jumps, Ping-Pong Path can make it jump about 2 more times before it stops.